
Friday, 29 August 2014

My 3 Things

Inspired by the lovely Single Parent Pessimist, I have decided to take part in her #my3things linky this week.
Here goes....

3 things that were not so good this week

My back. I am suffering from terrible lower back pain which is getting worse. Stress is affecting it badly
Mini meltdowns worrying about money
Fending off the many abusive texts - again

3 things I want to focus on next week

Being more mindful in every moment
My eldest daughter - she is off to Uni on the 8th
Child Maintenance, I can't have the stress of hoping my ex is in a good mood to give me money for the children

3 things I have done well this week

Met with my ex with the boys, keeping calm and civil
Secured some brilliant deals for my other blog
Supporting a close friend who has just lost her mum

This is actually a really good thing to do, it has made me think about the good points of the week, and look ahead to making next week good too. I am going to try and link up every week. Thank you :) 


  1. Well done for being civil to your ex. It's so hard especially when they aren't very cooperative. I went through it with Bigs Dad. Take care of yourself xx

    1. Thank you so much :) It is very difficult x x

  2. Ah I'm so happy you like this linky!
    Well done for staying civil with your ex, I'm struggling with this at the moment.. He thinks five quid a fortnight is adequate!!!!

    You have achieved some great things and I love your list to focus on, look forward to seeing how they go next week!

    Thanks for joining #my3things

    1. Oh he sounds like my ex! Thank you, yes, I am looking forward to linking up next week x

  3. I can't imagine what it must be like to reply on someone who is so unreliable for your maintenance money. You've done amazingly well to be civil. Amazingly well! #my3things
