
Thursday, 21 August 2014


This week has reminded me how important my family is to me, and how lucky I am to have them.
I am a mum, a daughter, a sister, a sister-in-law, an aunty, a granddaughter, a niece, a cousin.

My parents have been helping me (again) to swop Pea and Bro's rooms over, so that KP can move in with Bro. Dad has been painting, mum has been cleaning. Both have been moving furniture, and putting together new furniture, which they have bought us.

Jon (my abusive ex) was always mocking me for being so close to my parents. He used to say things like 'You should never have left home,' and 'why haven't you cut the apron strings to mummy?'
He used to make me feel guilty for seeing my parents, and would roll his eyes and moan if I said I was meeting my mum.

Maybe the fact his mother passed away just before his 13th birthday explains this, but, I was sick of making excuses for him.

I couldn't just ask my parents (or my sister and family) over, or arrange a meet up. If I did arrange anything (or they did) we would usually end up rowing about it. Falling out and there would be a big drama.

Looking back, he was against any sort of family togetherness, including Diva's boyfriends family, who are lovely, and would invite us around, I would go on my own with the children. He would just about come to my sisters post Christmas Sleep Over, but I guess because we stayed over, he could just get drunk.

Anyway, this summer, since our break up, I have relished being able to see my family whenever I want to. I have loved having them over, meeting up with them, planning days out. I have loved Diva (my 18 yo eldest) and Oz (her boyfriend) coming over, popping in, meeting us. 

So, I have much to be thankful for, especially my family :)

The Reading Residence

Binky Linky


  1. A lovely word, and it must feel so liberating and enjoyable to be able to see your family whenever you want to. Great that they're all so close to you, too x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. It is liberating, and Yes, I am lucky they are all so close x

  2. It sounds like your break up has been a very positive thing for your family. It's wonderful that you have such a great bond with those around you x

    1. It is positive, but doesn't really feel like it most of the time. Not yet anyway :( x

  3. how lovely. It must feel like a huge weight has been lifted from you. My husband doesn't understand how close I am to my mum but I just go on my own and he can't say anything then. Some people just don't get it. #BinkyLinky

    1. Hello, no they don't get it. But he used to really make me uncomfortable about it :( x

  4. Sounds like you've been blessed with amazing parents, as have I. I honestly can't imagine any situation where they wouldn't be there for me and my daughters. I'm sorry to read that you have suffered within an abusive relationship, I can't imagine how hard it is to walk away from a situation like that. Keep your head up, and smile as much as you can. You are a strong woman and you will (with the help of you family) get over this difficult time.


    1. What a lovely comment, thank you so much :) x

  5. Glad that you are close to your family and they can be there for you and have good times together x (from lovinglifewithlittleones) #binkylinky

    1. Thank you for your comment :) I am lucky to have them x

  6. Sounds like you woke up and smelled the cappuccino. I am pleased to hear you escaped and are carving out a new life for yourself and your family

    1. hahaha! Yes, at last! It's tough, but one day at a time x

  7. I'm am so pleased to hear that you have such a fantastic support system at such a difficult time. Even though it is hard at the moment, you have done the right thing. It sounds like you are starting to find 'yourself' again with spending more time with your family. It will get easier with time. I'm so sorry that you have had to go through this in the first place. Stay strong. xxx.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, I am trying to be strong for my children. I hope time makes it easier x
